Saturday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. Activation

2 rounds @low intensity

10/8 cal cardio

10 Good morning @empty barbell

10 Goblet squat @light KB


Metcon (Weight)

Front rack lunges (12 min time cap)

1. Find a 6 rep max

2. Reduce the weight by 15% and perform two sets of 6
This will challenge stability quite a bit. Most people will not be able to go extremely heavy because of the amount of load on one leg and the coordination needed but it a fun new way of incorporating unilateral work and to balance strength levels. The lunges should be performed as follows:

Take a step forward with the left leg then drive up and take a step backward, again with the left leg. The stimulus will be quite interesting. When stepping forward the working leg is mainly the one stepping forward (left leg here) however, the working leg when you step backward should be mainly the supporting leg that hasn’t moved (the right leg in this case). Although we are using both legs in each rep, start the first 3 reps with the left leg going forward first then the next 3 with the right leg moving forward.


Two options today. You are welcome to do a combo of two as well. Time cap is the end of class.

A: Metcon (Time)

“Nikki RX”

For time

2 rounds

15 Squat clean @155/105

7 Bar muscle ups

15 Burpees

Rest 2 minutes

For time

2 rounds

15 Power clean @155/105

15 Dips

15 Burpees

Rest 2 minutes

For time

2 rounds

15 Front squat @155/105

15 CTB Pull-ups

15 Burpees

B: Metcon (Time)

“Nikki Mod”

For time

2 rounds

15 Squat clean @ medium load

7 Pull-ups/banded pull-ups

15 Burpees

Rest 2 minutes

For time

2 rounds

15 Power clean @medium load

15 push-ups

15 Burpees

Rest 2 minutes

For time

2 rounds

15 Front squat @ medium load

15 pull-ups/banded pull=ups

15 Burpees