WOD Archive

Tuesday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFitWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)5 min: 1- cardio 2- hang power snatches 3- Overhead squats, slow decent 4- Bottom of overhead squat hold with a dowel 5- seated straddleWeightliftingMetcon (Weight)Squat Snatch 12 min to work up to a heavy...

Monday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFitWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)5 min: 1- cardio 2- bottom of squat hold 3- front plank 4- seated straddle 5- pigeon pose 30 sec per sideWeightliftingMetcon (No Measure)5 sets: 10 rep bench press 15 DB bicep curls 20 KB swings rest 2...

Saturday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFitWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)5 min: 1- cardio 2- lat roll out right side 3- lat roll out left side 4- 30 sec of air squats 5- bottom of squat holdMetconA: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)amrap in 8 min: 8 BB bent over rows 8 BB...

Friday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFitWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)5 min: 1- bike 2- seated straddle 3- row/ski 4- right side pigeon pose 5- left side pigeon poseGymnasticsMetcon (No Measure)3 sets: max supinated over the bar hold rest 1 minYou can get your chin setup...

LS #101

CrossFit Lions West – LIFT + SWEATWarm-upWarm-up (No Measure)4 min: 1- cardio 2- lacross ball hip work right side 3- lacross ball hip work left side 4- 10 air squats + 10 sit-ups 5- cardioLIFTOPEN DOORSMetcon (No Measure)EMOM for 8 min: 1- 15 DB tricept ext...