CrossFit – Wed, May 24

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit

Warm up (No Measure)

7 min:

1,2- cardio

3,4- lat roll

5- power cleans

6- happy baby

7- pigeon lose 30 sec per

Lift (No Measure)

Wide Grip Bench:

5 at 7/10 RPE

5 at 7/10 RPE

5 at 8/10 RPE

5 at 8/10 RPE

5 at 9/10 RPE

*20 Single Arm Lat Pull Downs (10 each arm) after each set.

*Rest 90s to 2 minutes per set.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

4 rounds for time:

Amrap in 3 min:

5 power cleans 135/85

10 Push ups

15 air squats

Rest 2 min between 3 min amraps

Start each round at the beginning