Friday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

EMOM 10 minutes

1- 8 TTB + 8 burpees

2- 10/8 cal ski/bike


Warm-up (No Measure)


5 x 5, pause @ bottom 3 seconds

5 reps on one leg, then 5 reps on the other
Pistols, on low box

The low box will force you to keep your non-working leg a bit higher than previous pistols on box. With the box you should be able to gain a better, fuller ROM than on the ground. If you need assistance to hold the bottom position you can do them holding a light plate or DB to act as a counterweight.

For athletes struggling with the movement or strength of the pistol you can do a single leg squat to a box or you can hold onto a ring or the rig to help with the movement.


Metcon (Time)


Power cleans 165/115

Strict HSPU
barbell should be a bit heavier than normal for a power clean wod but still just medium weighted. Piked HSPU is the ideal sub for today. DB press or a regular push-up for the newer athletes.


Metcon (No Measure)

Time Permitting


50-40-30-20-10 Cals,

each for time

Rest equal work.
If it takes you 3 minutes to do 50 cal then you rest 3 min before you start the set of 40. Unlikely you will get this all in during class time and that’s fine. Get as far as you can.