Saturday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

EMOM 12 minutes

1- row 250/200m

2-10 box jumps, no rebound

3- 10 burpees


Metcon (Time)

2 rounds:

1000m row

25 Devil press @ 35/20

800m run

25 TTB

1000m ski/ 2000m bike

25 pull-ups

*coaches, for larger classes you can start half the class on the row and half on the run. Stay in the same order of the workout however. Row goes to devil press, run goes to TTB. That means the two groups will end the two rounds on different exercises.
Devil press =

Toes to bar and pull-up progression should be one that you can do the 25 reps in 4 sets or less if fresh. Scale the number and/or exercise as needed. Newer athletes can do double rep abmat sit-ups and rep for rep KB swings as sub for TTB and pull-ups respectively. If you aren’t running you can row 800m as the sub if a rower is available. If it is not then you do 50 box jumps or step ups.