Wednesday CrossFit


It’s celebration time! Happy Birthday Coach Jemima!

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds

500/400m row

15 wallballs @ easy pace

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 sets

10 OHS

8 heaving snatch balance

5 snatch balance
This can be done with a dowel or a light barbell. The difference between the heaving snatch balance and the snatch balance is that you get to do a dip and drive in a heaving snatch balance whereas you simply drop into the bottom position with the regular snatch balance.


Clean and Jerk (4 sets)

2 cleans+2 jerks @ 60%

2 cleans +2 jerks @ 70%

2 cleans+2 jerks @ 80%

2 cleans +1 jerk @ 85%

These are squat cleans


Metcon (Time)

3 rounds for time:

12 CTB pull ups

25/20 calorie row//ski/bike

30 goblet squats 24/16kg
Pull-ups should be done in two sets or less in round 1. Adjust number or progression. Goblet squat should be hard for 30 in a row if fresh but possible. If you aren’t sure then pick the heavier weight today. Newer athletes can do air squats as a sub today.