Tuesday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. HR activation 3x

15/12 cal cardio

5/5 psoas march

B. Mobility

-10 PVC compression + shoulder extension

C. Specific

3 sets

10 cuban press @ light or PVC

10 light reverse flys (standing)
Psoas March: https://youtu.be/cmgOzyvrizU PVC compression + shoulder extension: https://youtu.be/jaVZbNnlTjI


Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM 12 minutes

1- “X” ring muscle ups/CTB pull-ups/Pull-ups

2- “X” strict hspu

3- rest
Your pulling and pushing reps should be unbroken in round 1. This is not a heartrate up piece. Enjoy your rest and do pick strong sets.


Metcon (Time)

3 rounds for time (20 min time cap, including rest)

21 power cleans @ 115/75

15 burpee pull-ups

3 min rest
cleans should be at a good cycling load. 10 reps unbroken if you were fresh. If you don’t have unbranded pull-ups then for the burpee pull-up your chest touches the ground and then you jump up and grab the pull-up bar, hold for a sec and then drop.