Monday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

EMOM for 9 min:

1 – 12/10 cal row

2 – 5/5 one arm kb/DB snatch

3 – 10 wall ball

B. Mobility

PNF lat stretch on bench

10-15 rep

– Contraction for 7-10 seconds (pushing elbows on the bench)

– Stretch for 7-10 seconds

– relax as needed


A: Snatch (5×5, 3 sec pause at knee )

This won’t be at a heavy load. 50% ish of 1RM. 5 reps with the 3 sec pause in each rep is a lot. Have fun with it and try and be quick in the hips.

B: Back Squat (5×5 tempo )

Tempo = 5311 (5 seconds decent, 3 sec hold at the bottom, 1 sec on the way up and 1 sec rest at the top).

Respect the tempo and make that the priority. The goal is not to max this out. Quality for all 25 reps.


Metcon (Time)

5 rounds for time:

15 ttb

15 kbs 32/24

2 minutes rest between rounds
Looking for big sets here. Earn your rest. Pick a TTB number and or progression that you can unbreak in round 1. Same thing with the swing weight. American swings for this workout.