Friday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. 3 min cardio

B. Mobility

World greatest stretch

15 reps/side

Keep you butt squeezed for the entire sets



Metcon (No Measure)

Alternating tabata

– Pull ups

– Burpees
4 min in total. 20 sec pull-ups, 10 sec rest, 20 second burpee, 10 sec rest


Metcon (Time)

For time

3 rounds

10 Overhead squat @115/75

10 Burpees over bar

Rest 3 minutes

3 rounds

10 Power snatch @115/75

10 dips

Time Cap: 20 minutes
Overhead squat should be comfortably unbroken in set 1. Power Snatch should also be possible to unbreak in round 1. The bar can be different weights if needed.


Metcon (No Measure)

5 sets:

10 lateral presses

10 arnie presses

10 bicep curls

20 sec bicep pulses

5 min cardio cool down