Saturday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 min cardio

3 rounds:

-10 overhead squats

-10 pass overs

-there and back DB overhead walk (there and back in one hand and there and back in the other hand
You can go up in weight with the overhead walk and don’t be afraid to do so.


Deadlift (5×5 )


Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM for 21min:

1- 15/12 cal cardio

2- 15 DB push press 35/20

3- 15 plate jump burpees

rx + 50/35
This is going to get real. You have the middle set which should give you 30 sec or so rest each round. The other two are going to push into the next minute. If the cardio number or burpee number isn’t possible for you then I want you to know that before this workout starts and adjust the number before the workout starts. Coaches give the athletes time to test this. You need to be able to get them done in 50 sec or less. Once you have your numbers picked, you do not get to alter them in this workout. If you fail on a station at any point you will take the next station off and then get back in the workout. For example if you only get 13 burpees in 60 sec then you take the cardio station off and start your next station at the Push Press. There is no limit on how many times you can fail. Again, do not change the number, just deal with the fact that its hard.