Monday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. 400m run

20 air squats

15 burpees

B. 3 min bottom of squat hold


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

“2nd Helpings”

Amrap in 45 min:

20 jumping squats (bodyweight)

20 DB goblet squats

20 push-ups (version 1)

20 push-ups (version 2)

20 DB hang clean and jerk – 10 per side

20 DB power snatch – 10 per side

20 DB weighted sit-ups

20 regular sit-ups

rest 2 min
1 DB per athlete. Pick a load that you could do each of the DB movements unbroken if that is all you had to do.

Push-ups: Pick two versions. Version 1 will be harder than version 2. Examples: 1 – chest to ground push-ups, 2 – hands on a short box, chest touching. Another example would be, 1- chest to a 20″ box, 2- chest to a 24″ box.

Weighted sit-ups: Hold the ends of the DB in your hands, do a sit-up till your torso is vertical and the DB is above your head with straight arms. Your arms will stay straight throughout the movement.