Monday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General


8/6 cal cardio + 5 burpees

B. Mobility

PNF banded lat stretch


5 seconds contraction

5 seconds stretch

C. Specific

Arch to hollow press drill with foam roller

Accumulate 15 repetitions



Metcon (No Measure)

Box Lats to fly

3 sets:

6-10 reps

Rest 30 seconds
This exercise is programmed today to increase your efficiency on your bar muscle-ups. Indeed, it will help you focus on your hollow body position right before moving over the bar. That said, make sur to be properly positioned at the end of the movement. You must be in a perfect hollow position, with the big toes glued together, legs together, glutes squeezed, ribs locked down and arms straight.


A: Metcon (Weight)

9 min to establish a 2 rep max Push Press from the floor.

B: Metcon (Weight)

Alternated DB push press

3 x 12/arm

Rest 90 seconds between sets
New movement, new feeling. You may use lighter DBs than usual, it’s normal. We play here with time under tension and different types of muscular contractions. Compare to double DB press, here you will do a 1-2 seconds isometric contraction between every press. Have in mind that this will increase time under tension and may affect the weight you use.

Each set is 24 PP with a 2 sec negative on each rep.


Metcon (No Measure)

Every 30 seconds for 5 min:

5 CTB/pull-ups/banded pull-ups

rest 2 min

amrap in 5 min:

8 goblet squats

8 KB swings

8 x 10′ shuttle runs
Larger classes will have one group start on pull-ups and one group start on the KB.