Tuesday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General


3 rounds

30 seconds @low intensity

20 seconds @mod

10 seconds @hard

B. Mobility

Banded ankle rocks

10 repetitions/ankle


C. Specific

3 sets @empty barbell

2 Tall Clean

2 Push press

2 Pause split Jerk (in receiving position)


Metcon (Weight)

Low hang power cleans + Jerk

5 x 4+1 @ Ascending

First set start @ 70%
Your focus today is on the leg drive and the turnover speed. Here is a super important point: As you perform the descent to reach the low hang position, do not continue to hip hinge when the bar passes the knees. If you do that, the entire load will be in your post chain. Indeed, when the bar passes the knees, your knees should bent and from then on the shoulders and the hips should move down at the same rate. This way you will be able to efficiently use your leg to accelerate the bar up.


Metcon (Time)

For time:

30/22 cal buy in

then 3 rounds:

5 Deadlifts 225/155


15 push-up burpees

Then 50 jumping lunges buy out


Warm-up (No Measure)

Coaches choice mobility for the rest of class