Wednesday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3 min cardio

B. Mobility

B1. Lat smash

With a foam roller, a LaCrosse ball or a barbell

45 seconds/side

B2. PNF banded lat stretch

5 x

7 seconds contraction against the band

7 seconds stretch, letting the band pull your elbow backward


Metcon (Weight)

12 min to work up to a heavy complex:

2 Push jerks

1 Split Jerk
Points of performance of the day: Leg drive and the upright position in the receiving position!

Indeed, to reach a stable position, the Push Jerks will force you to fully extend in the leg drive and to finish in an upright position when you lock out your elbow. Otherwise, the bar will fall forward.

Going with a Split Jerk for the third rep will help you transfer these two points and help you create/learn a good motor pattern.


Metcon (Time)

In teams of two, complete 4 sets each

each set is a 3min amrap of:

50 Double unders

15/12 Cal cardio

10 Hang Power Snatch @115/75
Partner A does the 3 min amrap while partner B rests. Then Partner B does the 3 min amrap while partner A rests. Try and rotate the cardio equipment. HPS weight should allow you to do 5 or more reps. Double rep single unders will be the sub for the DU. The workout will takes 24 min to complete. Start each set where you left off in the prior set.