CrossFit Lions East, CrossFit Lions West – F*CK COVID-19


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. Figure out your running mark for today (see “sweat” below)

B. hip flexor stretch, 90 sec per side

C. 3 sets:

10 glute bridges

20 mountain climbers


Metcon (Weight)

EMOM for 10 min:

10 weighted thrusters
This could be two DB, 1 DB (held with both hands, 2 KB, 1 KB held with both hands, a backpack filled with whatever the hell you have.

Basically do a squat and push something overhead 10 times every min for 10 min


Metcon (Time)

5 rounds for time:

400m run

50 swings (KB/DB/back pack)

1 min active bottom of squat hold
400m run = before the workout starts run 90 sec one way and a medium clip and take note of something as a mark. If you aren’t a runner than walk quickly for 90 sec, make a note of something as a mark.

You will need your phone or a watch for the active bottom of squat hold. This is made time. Think of it like 60 one sec reps.