Wednesday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

5 min:

1- cardio

2- 20 bent over flys (no weight)

3- 5 overhead squats + bottom of overhead squat hold (dowel)

4- pigeon pose right side

5- pigeon pose left side


Metcon (Weight)

Squat Snatch Doubles

2×2 @75%

2×2 @80

2×2 @85%

then drop set

2×2 @75%
If you don’t know you 1RM then warm-up to medium weight and add a little bit for two sets and then come back down. If you are new to the movement then keep the bar light and just work on technique.


Metcon (Time)

For time (12 min time cap)


Cal row/ski

DB or KB thruster 35/20
Thruster = 10 or more when fresh