Monday LIFT

CrossFit Lions West – LIFT


Warm-up (No Measure)

5 min:

1- cardio

2- passive bottom of squat hold

3- slow air squats

4- glute briges w/ 2 sec hold

5-push-up plank hold


A: Metcon (Weight)

5 sets:

6 BB Bulgarian split squat per
Bar will be on the back. Use a bench for the back leg anchor. Start light and build. Same as last week. If you can, go up in load.

B: Push Press (5×3)

Start light and build

C: Metcon (No Measure)

6 sets:

20 WB

10-20 push-ups

20 strict knees to waist

rest 1 min
Pick a push-up progression that allows you to do the first set unbroken. The number can be between 10-20. Do not change that number in the workout. Whatever you go with, is what you will do each round.