Monday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

10 min:

1,2,3 – cardio

4,5,6 – roll quads and calves

7- air squats

8- passive bottom of squat hold

9- roll left lat

10- roll right lat


A: Front Squat (E3M (5,4,3,3))

E3MOM x 4

5 reps at 70%

4 reps at 75%

3 reps at 80%

3 reps at 85%


Metcon (Time)

3 rounds for time:

18 TTB

12 alt Hang DB C&J 50/35

6 burpee C2B pull-up
TTB progression that allows you to do 10 or more when fresh. You should be able to do the DB hang clean and jerk unbroken in round 1.