Friday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

8 min:

1,2,3 – rolling quads, glutes, hamstrings

4- air squats

5- glute bridges

6- KB calve stretch

7- KB calve stetch other side

8- reverse lunges


Back Squat (5 sets)

Set1. 8 reps at 70%

Set2. 6 reps at 75%

Set3. 4 reps at 80%

Set4. 2 reps at 85%

Set5. 8 reps at 75%


Metcon (Time)

3 RFT:


15 DB Bench Press 50/35

20 alt DB snatch 50/35
Piked HSPU on a box or a seated DB press will be the sub for the HSPU today. Pick a progression that allows you to do 5 or more when fresh.