Wednesday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

12 min:

1-5 – easy cardio

6- supinated bar hang

7- 10 burpees

8- 40 sec light KB swing

9- sit-ups

10- walking lunges

11- 40 sec light kb swing

12- 10 burpees


Metcon (Time)

3 rounds for time:

15 DB front squats 50/35

20 box jumps

Rest 3 minutes

3 RFT:

20/15 cal cardio

15 DB push press 50/35

Rest 3 minutes

3 RFT:

7 Devil’s press 50/35

14 TTB
Pick one set of DB for the workout. You should be able to squat and push press them unbroken if you were fresh.