Monday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

8 min:

1,2- cardio

3- 30 sec dowel pass overs, 30 sec dowel presses

4- air squats

5- bottom of squat hold

6- glute bridges

7- seated straddle

8- power snatch


Metcon (Weight)

Snatch Complex

E2MOM x 6

Snatch Pull + Squat Snatch + OHS

Set 1-4 = 2+1+1 at a heavy load for today

Set 5-6 = 1+1+1 at 70% of heaviest complex


Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM for 20 min:

1. Power snatch x 10 TnG + max reps double unders

2. Row – max cals

3. Power cleans x 10 TnG + max reps double unders

4. lateral over the bar burpees max reps

5. Rest
All levels : Choose a load that you can perform 10 TnG for both lifts on all rounds / Same load for both barbell movement. If you haven’t already figured out, it should be pretty light.

This workout is similar to fight gone bad as there is no rest within each minutes, just a single rest at the end.