Wednesday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

8 min:


3,4- hip flexor lacross ball smash

5- hang squat snatch

6- push-up plank hold

7,8- kb calve stretch


A: Metcon (No Measure)

Bench Press

E2MOM for 10 min:

6 reps


Metcon (No Measure)

4 sets:

1-3 strict Pull-ups

2-5 kipping Pull-ups

1-3 Bar Muscle Ups

2-5 C2B pull-ups
Obviously a lot of subs will be happening today. If you are using a band than do 3 banded strict pull-ups followed by a max set of banded kipping pull-ups. If you don’t have bar muscle up than just do strict pull-ups+kipping + CTB.


Metcon (Time)


Dual KB Front Rack Carry* x 400m

*Perform 10 dual Russian KB Swings every time you take a break.
If you don’t feel comfortable KB cleaning both KB up to front rack then use two DB for this effort today. If you are using 2 DB than you can’t rest them on your shoulders, you need to have them against your upper chest with your palms facing you.