CrossFit – Mon, Oct 17

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit

Warm up (No Measure)

8 min:

1- overhead squats

2- hang power snatch

3- Snatch pull + below knee squat snatch

4,5- pigeon pose

6- seated straddle

7,8- runners stretch

Weightlifting (No Measure)

Squat Snatch:

E2MOM x 6

Snatch Pull + Low Hang Squat Snatch

2 x (1+2) at 70%

2 x (1+1) at 75%

2 x (1+1) at 80%

Metcon (No Measure)

Amrap in 20 min:

15/12 cal ski

Rest 30 sec

15/12 cal bike

Rest 30 sec

15 db hang power cleans

Rest 30 sec

15 box jumps

Rest 30 sec
Larger classes will have athletes start at different stations. If the station you are rotating to is full then go to the next in order and then come back to the one you missed. Things will open up a bunch after the first 5 min. You won’t have your own ski,bike or box. There will be 4 stations setup in the gym.