CrossFit – Wed, Feb 15

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit

Warm up (No Measure)

8 min:

1- air squats

2- seated straddle

3,4,5 – Squat Snatch technique work

6- knees to waist

7- banded 7s

8- glute bridges

Metcon (3 Rounds for calories)

3 sets:

2 minute AMRAP

16 alternating Single DBLunge (50/35)

10-15 Toes to Bar

Max Cal cardio in remaining time

-Rest 90 seconds b/t sets-
You can hold the single DB anyway you like. Forward lunges. Pick a TTB progression and number that you can do in 1 or 2 sets in the first round. Hit that cardio hard and earn that 90 sec rest.

Squat Snatch (No Measure)

Squat Snatch:

4 sets:

5 Squat Snatches As Fast As Possible

*These will NOT be cycled. These will be fast singles. Drop and go as fast as you can.

* Start at 6/10 RPE and build in weight each set.

*Rest as needed in between sets.