Tuesday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

E2MOM for 10 minutes

– 15/12 cal row/bike/ski
- 10 sit-ups

– 10 glute bridges w/ 1 sec pause at the top


Metcon (No Measure)

8 sets

8 leg raises + 8 v-ups + 8 ttb
Goal here is to get your hip flexors more endurance for TTB. Rest exactly 1 minute between sets. Reduce reps as needed.

The leg raises and V-ups are on the floor, try to got right to the pull-up bar for your ttb. Newer athletes can sub the TTB for knees to waist.


Metcon (Time)



Burpee box step-ups/ jumps
Think of burpee box jump as the RX+ for today. If you are really comfortable with box jumps then fire away but if they aren’t your favorite then I would rather you push the pace and do the step up then have to rest a bunch and do the jump. KB should be at a weight that you think you could unbreak the workout.


Time Permitting

Metcon (Time)

100 abmat sit-ups

50 cal row/bike/ski