Wednesday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Row/bike/ski 5 minutes

30 seconds easy 30 seconds moderate to higher intensity.


2 sets:


7 front squats

7 thrusters

7 good mornings

with empty barbell


Clean and Jerk (1RM (15 min) )

Work up slowly towards to heavier loads doing a power clean then a squat clean and jerk. Do this for as long as you feel that the power clean is clean and crisp and NOT a max power clean. This is simply to get your body warmed up and pulling the bar high (4 sets max). Once you reach that point then you shift to just a squat clean and jerk and continue till you reach a heavy for the day.

Newer athletes will use this time to continue to learn the movement. Keep the bar light and work technique.

Front Squat (5×3 @ 60%)

Stick to these % to let your nervous system recover from that max. We’ll be testing our squat a bit later this week.


Metcon (Time)

4 rounds for time:

15 push press 95/65

7 stict pull-ups

15 Wallballs
Push press and strict pull-ups should be done in 2 sets or less in round 1. Adjust reps and progression accordingly.