Monday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

EMOM 15 minutes

1- Row 15/12 cals

2- 15 burpees

3- Bike/ski 13/10 cals

4- 10 ttb

5- 50 double unders
this is three rounds. In the first round I don’t want you working for longer than 30 sec. Then in round 2 and 3 you can try and go for the numbers posted. At the 50 sec mark you will start to switch stations no matter where you are in the set. Have fun with it. Don’t worry if you aren’t able to get to these numbers.


Metcon (Weight)

4 sets/ arm:

4 strict press

6 push press

8 Push jerks

4 windmills
Rest as needed between sets. This can be done with a KB or DB. Try and increase load throughout the sets. At the heavy sets you can do different weights per arm if needed.

Metcon (Weight)

Seal row

5 x 6 reps
Seal row

Metcon (No Measure)

Time permitting:

2 sets:

30 sec double KB/DB wall sit

30 air squats

rest 90 sec