
CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit / Boot Camp


Warm-up (No Measure)


Rowing technique (2min)

Air Squat techique (2min)


In teams of 2

8 min:

Partner A does 10 cal row

Partner B does 10 air squats
This is just a warm-up. Max 70% effort.


Goblet Squat (8X8 )

Tempo= 2 sec negative, 2 sec at the bottom. Rest 45 sec between sets. (12 min) If your legs are sore from the WB yesterday, you can do single leg DB deadlifts 6 per side as a sub for today.


Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM for 20min:

1- 45 sec row/bike

2- 8 Plate jump burpees
Split the class in half. Test out the 8 plate jump burpees. If you can’t finish in 45 sec or less in your test than take the number down. If you need to at any time you can take a minute off and get back in the workout.