Friday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. 3 sets

bike 20 sec slow + 10 sec acceleration

row 20 sec slow + 10 sec acceleration

B. Shoulder

5/5/5 Multi angle band pull apart with 1 palm up, 1 palm down @T-45°-Y

2 wall climb, hold 5 sec at top

7/7 one arm ring rows

Multi angle band pull apart:

One arm ring row:


Larger classes can split into two or 3 groups as needed. You get the first minute for free. Meaning you dont’ start the ring rows,HSPU and jumping squats till minute 1

A: Metcon (Time)

75/65 cal row ( 12 min time cap)


rx = 8 ring rows

rx+ 2 muscle ups
It is very possible you may get down to not being able to row very many calories each round. That is ok. Don’t change progression or number. Let it be hard if it goes that way for ya.

B: Metcon (Time)

75/65 calories on bike/ski (12 min time cap)

EMOM 5-8 strict HSPU
ideally this is with the bike but larger classes will need to use the ski. Standard handstand progression can be used.

C: Metcon (Time)

50 TTB for time: (12 min time cap)

EMOM: 10 jumping air squats
Standard TTB progression here. If you are doing an abmat sit-up as a sub, use this guide:

not great a sit-ups: do 50

pretty good: do 75

sit-up master: do 100