Monday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

5 min:

1- 45 sec cardio

2- 30 sec banded pull aparts

3- squat clean thruster w/t dowel for 60 sec, rest 5 sec between reps

4- seated straddle 60 sec


A: Clean and Jerk (12 min of single work)

Squat clean and split or push jerk. Newer athletes will keep the loan light and just work technique. If things are feeling good for the more experienced lifters than you can build up to a heavy single.

B: Metcon (Weight)

Snatch Width Press from the back

You have to take a pause on your back so each rep is starting from dead weight. Grip width should match your snatch width grip.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

amrap in 14 min:

10 pull-ups / 20 KB swings

10 DB shoulder to overhead 50/35

20/15 cal cardio
Pick a pull-up progression that allows you to do 10 unbroken in round one. 20 KB swings are the substitute for those 3 athletes on the skierg side of the room. If you would prefer to do the swings then please take one of those stations when you come in the gym. Shoulder to overhead load should also be unbroken in round 1…or at least close to it.