Monday LIFT

CrossFit Lions West – LIFT

Metcon (No Measure)



1- cardio

2- 10 air squats + 10 sit-ups

3- passive bottom of squat hold

4- pigeon pose right side

5- pigeon pose left side


Back squat warm-up


EMOM for 10 min:

3 rep back squat


weights and bars away


EMOM for 20 min:

1- 30 sec cardio

2- 30 sec max rep burpee plate jumps


clean station and stretch
The class is broken down into minutes. I’ll start a fresh clock at the beginning of class. I will not be resetting the clock for each part. Meaning you will do your back squat EMOM at the 10min mark on the clock and it will end when the clock says 20min. That goes for all of the program.

Ascend up in weight on Back squat but don’t go to a place requiring a spot.

For the plate jumps, all athletes will jump to a 45# plate. The motion is as follows: Your chest touches the ground, you do a two footed jump onto the plate. That is it. You don’t have to put your hands over your head or do an extra jump when on top of the plate. Do not do a one footed jump onto the plate.