Tuesday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

6 min:

1,2- cardio

3- air squats

4- push press

5- happy baby

6- push jerk


Metcon (No Measure)

Push Press + Push Jerk:


Set 1-6 = 5+1 at 70-75% of last week complex

Set 7-10 = 3+2 at 80%


Metcon (No Measure)

E3MOM x 6 alt sets

Set 1 = 400/300m row + 12 alt Devil’s Press 50/35

Set 2 = 400/300m row + 12 alt DB Snatch 50/35

Set 3 = 400/300m row + 12 Burpees over the DB
You will use a single DB. We will go through this twice, so the workout will take 18 min in total. Pick a DB load that you could unbreak the snatches pretty easily if fresh. This will be a single DB /arm Devils press. Burpee over DB can be lateral.