LIFT + SWEAT – Tue, Jan 24

CrossFit Lions West – LIFT + SWEAT

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Teams of 2

6 rounds each/ 12 rounds total

P1: 500/400m ski

P2: AMRAP of

10 dbl DB deadlifts 70’s/53’s

10 GHD situps/ ab mat situps

** Switch when P1 has completed the ski.

One round is complete when both partners complete both the ski and the AMRAP.

Goal to complete the ski is sub 2:30 each round.

Goal for AMRAP is consistent number of rounds completed per AMRAP (be cognizant of # of GHD reps. If you are unaccustomed to higher volumes of GHD’s, consider alternating rounds of GHD and abmat situps)