Tuesday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. HR activation

2 rounds @mod pace

250m cardio (500m bike)

10 burpees

B. Mobility

1-2 min/side adductor rocks

C. Specific Activation

3 sets:

5 strict press behind neck, snatch grip

5 snatch pulls
adductor rocks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAdRxWz_Vwg


A: Metcon (Weight)

6 sets of Snatch with increasing weight but not heavy, maximum 50%

1 high pull from the ground

1 low hang high pull (below the knee)

1 hang high pull (above the knee)

1 tall snatch (bar starting at mid thigh or higher)

B: Metcon (Weight)


EMOM 5 minutes

5 TNG squat snatch
Pick a weight and try and maintain for the 5 sets.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Amrap 7 minutes

15 KBS @ 32/24

15 push ups, hand release
If you have the strength, don’t cheat the hand release push-up. It should always be harder than a standard push-up. If its easier, than you are cheating.


Warm-up (No Measure)

100 DB bicept curls

every time you break you have to do 15 sit-ups. You can’t rest at the bottom of the curl. Pick a weight and go for it.