Family Day WOD

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

Get into teams of 3. Pick a piece of cardio equipment.

10 min:

Station 1: 12/10 cal

Station 2: 5 bupees

Station 3: 15 glute bridge w/t 2 second hold at the top
One team member at each station. Switch when all team members are done their work. Its just a warm-up.


A: Metcon (Weight)

3 sets:

-30 sec max push-ups + 30 sec top of push-up hold

rest 1 min

-60 sec max alternating DB snatch

rest 1 min

-30 sec max goblet squat + 30 sec active bottom of squat hold (no weight)

rest 1 min
You can break as many times as needed in the max push-ups in 30 sec but try your very best NOT to break in the push-up plank. Pick a weight for the DB snatches and Goblet squats that allow you to do 10 or more reps.

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Amrap in 10 min:

30 sec side plank per side

10 single arm DB clean to overhead per side
One head of the DB must touch the ground on every rep. You can’t snatch them. Pick a weight that you can comfortable do 10 reps on your weak hand unbroken in round 1.