Bunnywod #2

CrossFit Lions East / Maker’s Body CrossFit – CrossFit


A: Warm-up (No Measure)

5 min:

8 burpees

10 box step ups

12 slow walking lunges
for each lunge, really think about your foot placements. Try and have your knee flex over your second toe and keep your chest up.

B: Warm-up (No Measure)

90 sec pigeon pose per

90 sec seated straddle


A: Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM for 30 min:

1- 15/11 cal cardio

2- 15 WB

3- 15 light deadlifts 95/65
You should be able to finish the cardio cal in 50 sec but it won’t be easy. The WB should be unbroken in round 1 and the DL should feel light. They are the rest in this workout.

note: if any athletes are back tight this morning then you can sub the DL with double unders and a number that allows you to finish in 40 sec or less each round.

B: Metcon (No Measure)

3 sets for reps :

1 min per station, clock runs

-DB floor presses

-banded good mornings

-standing empty barbell bicep curls
DB floor press should be at a medium load. This part is 9 min in total.