Wednesday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions East, CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General Bike/Run/Row/Ski

3 minutes @low intensity

B. Mobility

Banded OH Squat pull

15 repetitions, Hold every rep 1-2 seconds at the bottom

*This can be done with one band as well.

C. Specific

2 sets

5 Muscle Snatch

5 Sots Press in full squat

5 Squat snatches


Metcon (Weight)

2 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch

5 sets

2 + 1 @no more than 85% of max Snatch
Do not work up to a max here. Focus on your position and your weak technical point of performance.


Metcon (No Measure)


12 x 3-7reps, rest 20 sec between sets
picking a starting number that you think you can hold for at least 5 sets. These will be unbroken sets. So if you are going for sets of 6 and in the 7 round you only get 5, you stop and rest the 20 sec and try to get 5 now in your next set. Keep going that way for all 12 sets.


Metcon (No Measure)

E3MOM for 15 minutes

20/15 Cal cardio

20 Box Jumps

Active recovery: 1 Burpee every 10 seconds until the 3 minutes is completed
If you finish the cal cardio and box jumps in 2:15 then you will do 1 burpees every 10 sec till the 3 min is up. Then you immediately start round 2. If you don’t get the cal cardio and box jumps done in 3 min then you stop the box jumps and head back and start your next round. For a lot of you there will be very little burpees done. That’s fine.