Monday CrossFit

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit

Warm Up (No Measure)

7 min:

1,2- cardio

3- air squats

4- Deadlift

5- Power Cleans

6- rack chest stretch

7- supinated bar hang

Metcon (Time)

For time:


Deadlifts (275/185)

Dumbbell bench presses (2×70/50)

DB Squat cleans @ DB Bench Press weight

15 min time cap
This is very close to “Linda” a famous CrossFit benchmark wod. The DL bar should be unbroken for that first set of 10 reps. The Bench press should also be unbroken for the first set of 10 reps. You will use the same weight for the squat cleans as you use for the bench. DO NOT DROP from shoulder height on the cleans.

Larger classes are going to have to share some benches. Pair up as needed and then start on different stations.

Metcon (No Measure)

amrap in 10 min:

10/8 cal cardio

10 jumping lunges

10 DB bicep curls

10 sit-ups
Fun little finisher here. If you are super beat up by “Linda” then you can take this one off and enjoy the rest of your day.