CrossFit – Mon, Feb 26

CrossFit Lions West – CrossFit

Warm-Up (No Measure)

3 sets easy pace:

15/12 cardio

3 Turkish Get Ups/arm light, good positions

10/side alt V-Ups

LIFT (No Measure)

Pause Squat Snatch:

E2MOM x 4

3 reps @ 70-80%

*Pause in receive position -2 seconds

Front Squat:

E2MOM x 4

*2 Sec pause in the bottom of the squat after the first rep.

Metcon (Time)

2 sets:


Deadlifts (275/185)

Wall Facing Strict HSPU/ Regular Strict HSPU/Kipping HSPU/ Box assist HSPU

-rest 3 minutes b/t sets-
Deadlift load should be unbroken through all sets. This is a heavy RX but you should only be doing RX if you don’t think these weight are heavy for 5 reps.

Take your time warming up and playing with HSPU progressions.